Thursday, July 28, 2011

how it all began...

This was at my Christmas work party. I invited Tys (which is kinda a big deal when you're dating;)) he did awesome meeting everyone and well past his test! When we were walking out to the car he stops me and goes "wait you think I'm your boyfriend?" It was a few minutes of awkward silence then he burst out laughing and says just kidding! He just loves to get me! ha

 After we went to his ward Christmas party and saw the temple square lights! Got to do it! 
 I just love him in hats. We have lots of fun memories going on dates and adventures 
at his apt. 

 This is the carmel Tys made me at Christmas for my apples. BEST carmel in the world! We make it frequently.
2nd Jazz game with my family and Tan's gf. This is also the 2nd Jazz game we've gone to together. The first was when I took him with my family on like our third date. I didn't think much of it at the time but good thing it didn't scare him off! Come to find out meeting the fam is a pretty big deal;)!

 Driving with Zack and Whitney at Dans. We love those two! Sadly we don't have any double date pictures with Jordan and Whitney but we had lots of fun with them going at least once a week on a double.
 I love pictures. Tysen not so much. He loves electronics. 
 So my friends always tease me about ordering my jeans and clothes from designer knock offs in China. I tell Tys this one night he should look at it and he goes "mines better"! And sure enough he pulls up his computer with his saved website and he has his own designer knock off site. We even have these jeans that are pretty close to the same style out of all 50 choices. If anyone would like some we can hook you up!;)
 Appendix came out. Not so fun but Tysen was so good to take care of me:)
 Dinner with the fam for Tanner's last bday here! We will miss you bubs!
 Tys helped me decide on my new hair color.
 We both have boxers and just love them. This is  Sophie and us on a Sunday after teaching primary!
 Pre Valentines dinner with my parents at yummy La Caille. Cant go wrong there:)

 Best Valentines dinner ever! made by my sweet hunny. It was VERY very impressive. Shrimp linguini, berry salad, garlic bread, my favorite carmel, chocolate cover strawberries, fruit tarts. So perfectly done down to the decorations music and candles! He is so good with surprises! 
 Up at our good friends the Worthingtons cabin playing games and making memories with Tan before his mission! 
Tys first adventure snowmobiling with my family. He likes his motorized vehicles. 

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